Mind My Dust.

Time for my what seems like yearly modpost.
First off lets start with what happened to the site.
To put it simply, Disk failures suck.
The longer description is that my scheduled backups were not good sadly.
I did have a manual backup from 6 months ago of all of the typed content however. This is good in that I only really seem to post once every 6 months so nothing was really lost.

Next up is the question of "Why does the site look different?"
The answer to that is that the theme I used to use is no longer actively maintained. So rather than work on maintaining a theme from scratch I have decided to use Casper 3 in a dark mode. I've had a good look at it and while I am hesitant to say so, It's... actually a visual upgrade. So I think I will stick with this one for the foreseeable future.

Content may be missing for a little as I relocate images and add them back to posts.

Moving Ahead

So, Moving forward, What do I plan on doing with this little corner of the internet I have carved out for myself?

Firstly. I plan to (Hopefully!)Post a bit more.

Perhaps some reviews of things I purchase and generally trying to devote more time to projects

I also plan to add in a little gallery of completed projects as its own page. Expect that in roughly 1-2 months as I really want to finish my Graviton Lance replica as my current priority.